Yate Academy Open Evening will be on Thursday 23rd September.
We are excited to welcome you and your children to Yate Academy and look forward to showing you around.
We have two types of event; our Open Evening on Thursday 23rd September and then a series of Open Mornings. We are currently offering three mornings but will offer more if numbers are high.
In order to plan for the events, we ask that you book your slot and limit the number of people that you bring with you where possible to no more than three.
The booking form is linked here:
Open Mornings will take place on Monday 27th September, Tuesday 28th September and Friday 1st October from 9:15 until 10:55.
During the Open Evening there will be an opportunity to listen to a talk from me in our auditorium. Numbers for this will be strict and tickets will be issued when you arrive so that we do not exceed the capacity. There will be three talks during the evening so that we can ensure all visitors are able to attend.
We are so pleased that we will be able to hold this event in person, but we will also be mindful of numbers and there will be guidance around Covid-19 for the evening as well. It is hugely important that you and your children remain safe and well.
Many thanks and I look forward to meeting you.