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Yate Academy

school in action - roll call

we will be running a number of school-in-action events during the week commencing Monday 24th June 2024. We believe the best way to see any school run is to come and visit the school in action. Therefore, we would like to offer the opportunity to come and see our morning routines at Yate Academy. As part of the morning routines, you will get the opportunity to see our Roll Calls and the tutor reading programme which provides our students with a strong start to every day.

What is Roll Call?

Roll call provides a strong and calm start to the day where we ensure students get chance to resolve any equipment or homework issues before their day begins, reducing the impact on learning. Roll Call is also our opportunity to celebrate individual and collective successes as well as giving key messages and notices for that day / week.


School in Action Schedule

08:30 am: Arrival and Welcome

08:40 am: Tour and observe Roll Call

08:50 am: Tour around the Tutor Reading Programme

09:05 am: Q&A session over hot drink.


If you would like to book a space for the school in action event, please click the link for the online form. 


We will be running specific days for each year group. So, if you have a preferred year group, please specify this on the form. We will be limiting each day to a maximum of 14 people. We will do additional days if necessary to meet demand.


Tuesday 25th June 2024: Year 7 and Year 8 Roll Calls

Wednesday 26th June 2024: Year 9 and 10 Roll Calls


For any further information, please contact Mr Baker via