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Yate Academy

planning the 6 week holidays

What’s happening in your local area!

There are lots of great holiday clubs or local events happening over the summer in the South Gloucestershire area. Click the link to find out more.

​Top Tips when planning for the 6-week holiday

Children thrive on structure and routine, so they will benefit from knowing what’s happening each day/week and having some pattern and regularity to their timetable, just like they experience in school. 

  • ​Think about activities that they can do with friends or other families that are cheap or free – visits to the park, walks/picnics in the woods, visits to the library, the local farm etc.  These types of activities could be scheduled each week to help give some structure to the 6-week holidays.
  • Help ensure that the children are involved in the planning of their summer break. What activities would they like to do?  ​Children will like to spend time on their computer/phone screens, but it’s great for young people to spend plenty of time outside and doing things away from a computer/phone screen.
  • ​Think about what new rules and routines will look like over the summer.  These may be slightly different during term time but still need to be in place so that the children can easily get back into their normal routine in September.  This includes morning and bedtime routines i.e. still having set bedtimes (although these may be slightly later than during term time) and a morning routine whereby the children get up, washed and dressed by an agreed time.
  • ​Very important - think about how/when ​you will get a break.  Could grandparents be booked in for half a day of child care each week?  Could families help each other out by taking it in turns to look after each other’s children so each parent gets a break?
  • ​Identify ​your support networks and who​ you will call upon if ​you need practical and emotional support.  This includes family, friends, neighbours, colleagues etc
  • Make sure that, if needed, parents and young people have access to the right contact details for support, i.e. mental health helplines, online support. (​Please See below)

We have included below information about services and support which families can access throughout the summer.